Developer’s Note 2 (Flyff Universe v1.4 - Battle for Madrigal)
September 23, 2024
Hello Flyffers!
This is GM Shadow back again with more updates on the new expansion: Flyff Universe – Battle for Madrigal.
Today, I’ll be showing you some more sneak peeks on some more of the content you can expect. Please keep in mind that things may change before the final patch notes!
※ Please note that all visuals and details are subject to change prior to release. All screenshots shown in this article are taken from a development build and might not represent the final build.
Madrigal Tournament
There’s a new PvP mode in town for Flyff Universe! Introducing the Madrigal Tournament, a small weekly tournament.
This tournament rotates between a 3v3 mode and 1v1 mode. You will be able to apply at the Arena Manager NPC, Lay.
(Menu for the tournament)
From here you will be able to register for the weekly tournament, receive the rewards, or bid on other players.
(Interface for the weekly ranking)
You can view the weekly ranking from the NPC, the days you’ve participated on, and their results. You will also be able to view upcoming tournaments.
During the tournament, you will fight in an arena similar to the FWC tournament, if you have participated in it.
(A familiar arena perhaps?)
After the weekly preliminary fights, there will be a finals tournament during the weekend to find out who is the strongest player/team for that week.
(How a finals tournament might look like)
You will be able to obtain a new type of chip called the Yellow Chip to exchange for various rewards. You will also be able to bid on who will be winning with Penya for a chance to win more Penya.
(Bidding window interface example)
We hope you will enjoy this new tournament-type PvP mode.
Ultimate Jewels
In the next update, you will be able to enhance your Ultimate Weapon even further with Ultimate Jewels.
With each upgrade of your ultimate weapon, a jewel/rune slot will be unlocked, giving you a total of 5 slots. There are many different types of jewels, each with 10 grades. Note that you cannot insert more than one of the same type of jewel, regardless of grade!
(Example weapon with 3 ultimate jewels and 2 runes equipped)
Runes are a special, more powerful type of jewel which increase stats in percentages. Here are the different types of jewels currently planned.
These jewels will have different grades from 1 to 10, 10 being the highest.
There are various ways to obtain jewels. Firstly, 141+ dungeons’ monsters have chances to drop an Ultimate Jewel Box, which has a chance to give you one of various jewel items of grade 1 and 2, jewel pieces, and runes. The second method is using Ultimate Jewel Gemstones. These gemstones also drop from the same dungeon monsters, and can be broken down at the Jewel Manager into different types of jewels and pieces.
(Gemstone placed to be converted)
You will have a chance to craft different Jewel Fragments from the gemstone or have a low chance of obtaining a whole Jewel. There will also be a cash shop item that always guarantees the success of getting a Jewel Fragment and boosts the chance of yielding more pieces.
(Jewel pieces conversion example)
Once you have 10 jewel pieces, you can attempt to convert them into one grade 1 jewel. If you fail, there is a chance to yield between 1 and 10 of the pieces back. There will also be a cash shop item that prevents you from losing any pieces on failure, always yielding back 10 pieces when you fail.
(Jewel Fusion example)
If you have at least 3 full jewels of the same grade, you can fuse them into one of the next grade. You may fuse between 3 and 6 jewels, with your chance of success increasing as you fuse more. Upon failure, you can yield back between 0 and 3 of the jewels used in the process, with a cash shop item changing that range to between 1 and 3.
Please look forward to a new way to enhance your weapons.
Rainbow Race enhancements
We’ll be adding more modes to Rainbow Race!
(New Rainbow Race menu)
We’ll be adding a new mode with variants for both. Item race will be using the same track as you already know, but there will be a new Duo Team race mode.
Teams will be assigned randomly or with a friend of your choice. The overall ranking for your team will be the highest ranking from that team.
There will also be special items on top of the items you already are familiar with that will be team-based.
For the Speed race mode, it will be on a completely new track, and with checkpoints that usually give items, it will only give boost items that will increase your speed even faster!
(New speed mode with even more boosting!)
That’s all for our immediate update plans. There will be other small updates such as new floors on the Forsaken Tower, new housing templates on sale, which you will be able to see in our full patch note when the update is ready.
We have more updates down the line that are currently being developed so please stay tuned!
Thank you.
Posted on September 27, 2024
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