Summer Beach Event
August 12, 2022

Summer Beach Event
Lifeguard Jennifer is looking for some items for her next beach party. Fortunately all the masquerpets seem to have plenty of them. However, they will not give you these items willingly.
You can trade Parasols, Beach Balls and Penya for different versions of Beach Boxes at NPC Lifeguard Jennifer in Flarine.
Start: August 11th, 2022, after maintenance
End: August 23rd, 2022, before maintenance
Where to get the event items?
Parasol & Beach Ball:
- Loot them from monsters of level 15 or higher
- Monsters 10 levels below (or lower) the players level won't drop any event items
What can the items be traded for?
- 15x Beach Ball => Beach Box A
- 15x Parasol => Beach Box B
- 15x Beach Ball & 1,500,000 Penya => Superior Beach Box A
- 15x Parasol & 1,500,000 Penya => Superior Beach Box B
What are the contents of the Beach Boxes?
※ Click the image to zoom
※ All Beach Boxes and their contents are soul-linked
※ Beachwear Costume Box (Superior Beach Box A) and Swimwear Costume Box (Superior Beach Box B) are neither time limited nor soul-linked
Posted on August 12, 2022
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