Game Version 1.0.6 Patch Notes
July 5, 2022

- Tiger Sword Board speed now matches the other flying items
- Increased Quest Item drop chance in Dekane Mine
- Increased a spawn in final 2 rooms of Dekane Mine
- Altered Cheer description to be more descriptive
- Revised Darkon 3 desert monster elements
- Brigadier Chimeradon: Fire -> Wind
- Major Chimeradon: Fire -> Wind
- Lieutenant Chimeradon: Water -> Wind
- General Chimeradon: Electricity -> Wind
- Violet Chimeradon: Electricity -> Wind
- Sergeant Bearnerky: Water -> Earth
- Captain Bearnerky: Water -> Earth
- General Bearnerky: Water -> Earth
- Violet BearnerkyL Water -> Earth
- 3rd Chef Muffrin: Electricity -> Water
- 2nd Chef Muffrin: Electricity -> Water
- 1st Chef Muffrin: Fire -> Water
- Great Chef Muffrin: Fire -> Water
- Violet Chef Muffrin: Fire -> Water
- Made speed of lower rank Desert monsters same as the higher rank, as they were faster
- Increased some Glaphan spawn counts
- Spaced out Popcrank and Muffrin spawns, and slightly increased Muffrin spawn count
- Increased some Mars dungeon quest item spawns
- Reduced size of Jack The Hammer Vendor
- Fixed and modified some Giant Attack AI issues with the following monsters
- Garbagespider
- Greemong
- Carrierbomb
- Risem
- Syliaca
- Watangka
- Shuhamma
- Nautrepy
- Dumbbull
- Increased FP restoration of Vital Drink 600 and higher.
- VitalDrink 600: 340 -> 368
- VitalDrink 700: 420 -> 450
- VitalDrink 800: 480 -> 520
- VitalDrink 900: 550 -> 590
- Scroll of Holy cooldown 10s -> 4s
- Monsters that are no longer in attack mode can now be attacked by other players (i.e after Dark Illusion)
- Monster focus timer (the time they chase you without landing a hit) is now based on the number of monsters focusing the same player
- 3 minutes for < 4 monsters
- 80 seconds for >= 4 and < 7 monsters
- 50 seconds for >= 8 and < 13 monsters
- 28 seconds for >= 14 monsters
- Loot ownership timer increased from 15 seconds to 1 minute
- Increased the healing of the following foods
- Meat Salad
- Ice Cream Cake
- Fruit Punch
- "You cannot go there by this way" changed to "You cannot go this way."
- Changed "Damage Absorb" to "Life Steal"
- Updated all game translations and fixed some texts that were not translated
- Players with negative karma can no longer be resurrected in non-PK channels
- Guild Siege maximum guilds increased from 8 to 10
- Guild Siege combat time increased from 30 minutes to 40 minutes
- Changed some Guild Siege times
- Mushpoie: 6pm server time
- Burudeng: 6pm server time
- Aries: 1pm server time
- Every other server: 9pm server time
- Note: we did not add any Wednesday sieges for now, as this requires more discussion and feedback.
- Changed the icon of SProtect Low for clarity
- Added Cloak of Precision to the cash shop (DEX+8)
- Added Cloak of Endurance to the cash shop (STA+8)
Class Balance
- Sayram and Talin set effect changes
- Attack Speed: 15% -> 10%
- Ectro and Extro set effect changes
- Attack Speed: 15% -> 20%
- Alext and Ales set effect changes
- Hitrate: 20% -> 15%
- DEX+10 -> Attack Speed+15%
- Rody and Rodey set effect changes
- Added Attack Speed+10% at 4/4
- Adjusted Mythical Silver Axe
- STA+10 -> DEX+15
- Block+5% -> Reflect+10%
- Adjusted Mythical Silver Sword
- DEX+10 -> DEX+15
- Critical Resist+5% -> Block+7%
- Heart of Fury FP consumption decreased from 5% to 2% per hit
- Increased range of Holyguard to the same range as other Ringmaster buffs
- Increased range of Gvur Tialla to the same range as other Ringmaster buffs
- Slightly reduced Ranger and Blade block modifiers
- Increased Dark Illusion cooldown 20s -> 24s
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a blocked quest chain in Dekane Mine (ID Card (1))
- Player menu no longer opens on right click release when moving the camera
- Fixed item and channel change casting SFX displaying on invisible characters
- Fixed Giant attack telegraphs sometimes appearing in the wrong direction
- Knight skill Rage is now removed when removing your weapon
- Fixed Collector +4 and +5 having the same speed
- Fixed no loss of EXP after participating in Guild Siege
- Trading players are no longer teleported when starting a party or guild quest (CW, Meteonyker, etc.)
- Fixed the possibility to use favorited items in the Create Jewel window
- Indestructible quest items no longer drop on the ground if your inventory is full, and will display a message instead
- Fixed the issue where you could not attack another player's monsters if they are flying (and vice versa for flying monsters)
- Fixed pickup pet Rabbit texture in cartoon mode
- Flying item Piyoko is now properly animated
Posted on July 5, 2022