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Developer’s Q&A

June 20, 2024

Dear players,


Here is the Developer's Q&A which we highly appreciate the enormous attention and questions from our players.


Please note if your specific question did not make it, it is likely that it’s because another similar question was included or answered in a previous Q&A, and we tried our best not to include duplicate questions and answers.


Q1. Do you plan on releasing a 3rd job change for each class anytime soon, and if so, when? Or do you have any plans for completely new classes?

A1. The 3rd job change is being planned but it is too soon for us to announce a specific date at this time. We will provide more updates in the future. As for a completely new class, we cannot provide any promises at this moment in time but we will consider the opinions that our players provide.


Q2. Do you plan on merging any servers? 

A2. We are closely monitoring the player base numbers and if there will be server merges we will announce it ahead of time to minimize the inconvenience to our player base on those servers that are affected.


Q3. What measures does the development team have in place to address botting and inappropriate behavior within the Flyff community? 

A3. Recently we have implemented various anti-botting measures which we will not go into detail about, but they have been showing great success as some players have noticed. These measures will be continuously improved upon over time to ensure that the botting situation stays under control.


Q4. Would it be possible to bring back the devblog from the pre-launch days? Players would greatly appreciate some form of reliable communication straight from the developers on a regular basis. What are your goals short/long term?

A4. It would be very nice if we could provide an organized document form of the exact roadmap, changes that were made, etc. However, unfortunately, we have timing constraints and real-world issues since the game is now live to meet this expectation as we need to provide constant updates as well as provide new features and quality-of-life improvements. We will, however, try our best to answer the questions that our community might have via Q&A sessions like these and Developer notes for future updates when we are ready to share them.


Q5. Why aren't there more invasion events?

A5. We will discuss this with our publishing partner to see what we can do in terms of GM-ran events.


Q6. Are you planning to open new territories such as Traseia, Shaduwar, Valley of the Risen, Kaillun and Bahara down the line?

A6. Yes, however, it takes a long time to make these new territories like we did for Azria or Coral Island. Please stay tuned for future updates we will be making!


Q7. Are there going to be completely new dungeons like we saw with the 1.2 Update?

A7. Yes, there are new dungeons planned for the future, please stay tuned for future updates.


Q8. What would the next major update to the game consist of at this point?

A8. We will provide more details in the future but here's a list of some of the things we are preparing: New tracks for Rainbow Race, new housing content, expanded Ultimate Weapon content, a new PVP mode, and more! These are just but a few things we are preparing for the next update. There will be a lot more to share as we finalize our development for the next major update so please look forward to it.


Q9. The higher the max level cap makes it more daunting for a new player to get there. Will there be some sort of exp rate increase for lower levels in the future, so that newer players can experience more of the game faster?

A9. We are aware that it takes quite a while to level up to the max level but this is a tricky part to balance out. We are thinking about how we can tackle this issue internally as well and we are always open to suggestions.


Q10. When is the next big update?

A10. We plan to bring it in the early 2nd half of 2024.


Q11. Will more rewards for exchanging the PK chip be added?

A11. Yes, we are considering expanding the PK chip reward list.


Q12. Do you plan on increasing Coral Island drop rates?

A12. We do not currently have any immediate plans to increase the drop rates in Coral Island, but we are monitoring the drop status of the items and might adjust it in the future if needed.


Q13. Why is there no solo option on instance dungeons? Are you planning on adding more solo content to the game?

A13. Yes, we will be considering this for a future update but we can't give any specific timeline for this.


Q14. Are there any plans for Forsaken Tower beyond 5F?

A14. Yes, we are planning new floors for the Forsaken Tower, please look forward to them in future updates.


Q15. Can you share any details about the upcoming NFT Server?

A15. We don't have details that we can share at this time.


Q16. Are you planning to make new content that does Penya burn?

A16. As the game progresses, we will continue adding new methods of sinking Penya in order to keep up with inflation.


Q17. Will you increase the chance to craft the new unique weapons? 

A17. We do not have any immediate plans to increase the rate. This can be adjusted in the future if needed.


Q18. I assume the game focuses on former Flyff players, but do you have any plans to bring new players into the game? Would you mind sharing your thoughts?

A18. We are aware of this issue internally as well and we'll be tackling this issue one by one.


Q19. Is there a marriage/couple system planned in a future update?

A19. Yes, we have something planned for a future update, please look forward to it.


Q20. Will you add some kind of an Awakening System for Equipment like it used to be on Flyff PC?

A20. We don't have any immediate plans, even if we do it won't be a carbon copy of the Flyff PC system.


Q21. Is there a possibility to have a desktop client?

A21. There are plans for this for both Windows and Mac, but we can't provide any definitive release date as of right now.


Q22. Coral weapons are supposed to be less rare than the lusaka crystal but as of now its drop rate is 10x lower than lusaka. Do you have any plans to increase the drop rate?

A22. We do not have any immediate plans to increase the drop rates but we are constantly monitoring how much items are available to the players, so we might adjust the drop rate for this in the future depending on how the game's situation.


Q23. Is there any plan on adding daily PvP mode available at any time of the day, alongside adding more dungeons with improved drop rates?

A23. We are aware there is a lack of PvP contents and we'll be updating new PvP contents for our players to enjoy in the next major update.


Q24. Any plan on having a way to upgrade premium pick up pets into buffer pets (HP,mp.etc) just like PC Flyff?

A24. No, we don't have any immediate plans for this.


Q25. Any plan on stopping 1 key press for 1 action for skills such as Heal Rain?

A25. No, we don't have any immediate plans for this.


Q26. Can you upgrade your server to prevent players from losing connection?

A26. We are aware that there are unwanted drops but we need to collect the exact reason why this is continuing, so please report to the Customer Service and/or GMs & Moderators when this happens and they'll provide you with further instructions on how to report your specific case.


Q27. Market search system upgrade? As I read from Discord, people are dying for openshop to remain super classic MMO. Can you put some cash or penya related item to find where items are located? Just like Ragnarok renewal that made scroll search item and then indicate the location on map. Looking for items as a new player is too difficult. I don’t know which location that generally place valuable items. I took 1-2 hours a day just to find desired lvl30 set boots (especially on specify gender). Any type of related system planned?

A27. We are aware of this issue and we will be working on how to make finding more convenient for our players in the future.


Q28. Currently, only the Wilds Dungeon is really relevant in the endgame, but the game has 6 dungeons. In the endgame, however, only 2 (Wilds and Envy Depths) of these 6 dungeons are actually played, whereby Envy Depths is only run due to the cool-down and the running prems, as otherwise you would always have to log out and wait. Can you please make the other 5 dungeons besides Wilds more interesting for endgame players?

A28. We will review this internally and try to make the other dungeons have a purpose for the players to play.


Q29. Is there a way you can put a party finder for dungeon runs?

A29. We will consider your idea but please do note that it might not be an automatic party finder for a specific content.


Q30. Will the achievement system be reworked, or do you plan on adding new and even different ones?

A30. We do not have any plans to significantly change the system itself, although it may be expanded upon in the future. We will also continuously add new achievements that players can work towards with future updates.


Q31. Will you still release other old fashions, not speed fashion, for example flower faerie, chile, qipao, etc.

A31. We will consider releasing unleashed fashion from PC Flyff, but please do note there are some limitations.


Q32. Will we see any ""Fresh Start servers"" in the near future?

A32. No, we don't have any immediate plans for this. However, you can start a new character on the FWC server.


Q33. Do you have any plans on releasing a new PVP set?

A33. No, we don't have any immediate plans for this.


Q34. Are you planning to improve Kalgas Assault and add more days to the week? It has a lot of potential but currently lasts less than Siege and the rewards aren't the best.

A34. We will consider adding more dates and rewards to the Kalgas Assault content.


Q35. Do you have any plan on increasing the max level, despite the level curve?

A35. Yes, but we don't have any specifics at this moment in time.


Q36. Can we expect some horizontal content e.g. professions with rewards that will encourage players to grind them?

A36. Yes, there are similar plans to this in future updates.


Q37. Will there ever be more normal face options when creating a character?

A37. No, we do not have any immediate plans for this.


Q38. Are you planning to introduce new content that is not upcycled from pc Flyff? This is not meant in any bad way. I am just curious if there e.g. will be new monsters?

A38. The game will progress in a different path from PC Flyff and might have monsters that did not exist in PC Flyff in the future.


Q39. It is very hard to find parties with global skills due to the very very very high prices of the scrolls and the decreasing active player count. How are your plans on handling the current party situation?

A39. We are aware of how finding Parties can be difficult, and therefore finding parties with buffs are even more so. We'll try to come up with a solution for this.


Q40. Will there be some license-free (like a Winnie-Puuh or Eeyore) crossover CS-Pet?

A40. No, unfortunately, we don't have any plans for this for the foreseeable future.


Q41. Is there any plan to add jewel slots for ultimate weapons?

A41. Yes, we have plans for this in the future but it will not be the same with PC Flyff.


Q42. I hope some pick-up pets, especially those that were released with the costume, can be purchased in the shop again, like axolotls, phantocats, flying bunny, teddy bears and so on. They are so cute and I want to play with them on the Flyff journey. Thanks!

A42. Yes we will consider re-selling costumes and pets that were sold in the past.


Q43. Is there a way to get rid of AFK players during Kalgas Assault? Like if they go afk for 3-5 mins they get booted out the area and receive no chips. It's kind of unfair for those actually playing it.

A43. We will review this internally and come up with a solution for AFK users that are abusing the system.


Q44. Is there a possibility of removing dungeon cool down periods to better help those that only have a set amount of time per day to run? With limited end game content to do, we should be able to run dungeons without having a cool down

A44. We might not outright reduce the cool-down time for the foreseeable future, but we will consider how players with limited play time can also enjoy the game.


Q45. Do you have any plans on releasing new boss monster content like clockworks and meteonyker or at least a harder version of them with better loot?

A45. We will discuss this internally to see if it is viable.


Q46. Do you plan on reintroducing the Lord system anyhow?

A46. We do not currently have any plans to reintroduce this system, at least not as it was in PC Flyff.


Q47. Will pet beads be added?

A47. We do not currently have any plans to introduce pet beads.


Q48. Are there any plans to bring in dungeon weapons from the original FlyFF to FlyFF Universe? The Royal weapons from Les Britannia were my favorite, and I'd love to have the Duchess stick here! 

A48. We will take it into consideration.


Q49. Will there be more competitions like the ""Rainbow Race"", which brings the community together?

A49. Yes including the expansion of the Rainbow Race content itself, but we will share more details in the future.


Q50. Can the drop rates for rare items in the low level range (less than 90) be increased?

A50. We will review it internally.


Q51. Is there any improvement about those free ride ships in every map that can use it or drive it for fun? For example if we drive it there's also a minimum repair for the ship, or we can use it like touring around in the map? That would be fun.

A51. No, we do not have any plans for this at this moment.


Q52. Are there other curses you might add in the future? I'm hoping for a curse for dungeons that changes the element of the mobs inside.

A52. Yes, we may add more curses for dungeons in the future.


Q53. I hope there can be a feature where guilds can upload their own guild emblems (with a uniform size and format restriction), is this possible?

A53. No, unfortunately we can't do this as a simple file upload for technical reasons. However, we will review how we can get player submitted guild emblems implemented.


Q54. Why we don’t have different options for the selection of friends list? Example:I want to have them sorted by level but first to be the online ones not mixed online/offline

A54. We will review this matter internally.


Q55. Will Erons Catchers be added to Coral Island one day?

A55. We will review this matter internally.


Q56. Are there any quality-of-life improvements in the works, such as UI enhancements, streamlined mechanics, or improved in-game communication tools? These can greatly enhance the overall player experience.

A56. Yes we are planning and developing some QoL improvements, such as UI improvements. Please stay tuned for future updates.


Q57. Can you please make dungeon chest items linked to whoever opens them to stop sniping the drops from others

A57. We will review this internally.


Q58. When Tanuki boss in the Wilds has a weird casting time. When will this be fixed?

A58. We're aware of the issue and the development team is looking into it.


Q59. Could they make coral tigars faster? It is always very slow to hit them and for them to come to you, their movement speed is very slow.

A59. We will review this internally.


Q60. Why isn’t the wardrobe NPC available in other towns?

A60. We will review this and consider adding the NPCs to the other towns as well.


Thank you.

Posted on June 21, 2024

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